
Why am I interested in entrepreneurship?

Why am I interested in entrepreneurship?

It's because I have a crush on Sam Parr and Shaan Puri (the MFM hosts).
4 min read
A note to self about privilege

A note to self about privilege

When you think about your level of privilege, how does it make you feel? In this article, I share an experience I had and a few things I'm taking away from it.
4 min read
How can I have the biggest impact on the world?

How can I have the biggest impact on the world?

The desire to help others is a universal human feeling. Most of us do so on quite a small scale. I've always wanted to maximise my impact on the world but I've never known how to do this. Here I share some of my thoughts on this existential question.
2 min read
The most important question to ask yourself

The most important question to ask yourself

Throughout our lives there are many journeys that we embark upon and there are many questions that we try to answer. At my current stage of life, I believe there is one journey that supersedes all others.
3 min read
How a game of chess stopped me from achieving my goals

How a game of chess stopped me from achieving my goals

How does a seemingly innocuous hobby turn into a self-destructive habit? Find out in this episode of blog posts no-one is going to read.
4 min read