Donning & Doffing


Outside the patient room.

Mnemonic: Give ME HopeGown, Mask, Eyewear, Hands (gloves)

  1. Hand hygiene.
  2. Don gown.
  3. Hand hygiene.
  4. Don mask.
  5. Hand hygiene.
  6. Don glasses/face shield.
  7. Hand hygiene.
  8. Don gloves.
  9. Enter patient room.


Inside the patient room.

  1. Hand hygiene (can do over gloves if not visibly soiled).
  2. Doff gloves and gown simultaneously.
  3. Hand hygiene.
  4. Doff face shield (if wearing glasses, keep them on).
  5. Hand hygiene.
  6. Exit patient room.

Outside patient room.

  1. Hand hygiene.
  2. Doff glasses and clean them.
  3. Hand hygiene.
  4. Doff mask.
  5. Hand hygiene.
  6. Don surgical mask.


  1. Stanford University: How to Don & Doff PPE